Electing more Green MPs into Westminster will help push next government to do the right thing for people and planet

Green votes at the coming General Election will transform the UK, party leaders from England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland declared today. 

Meeting in London, the leaders pointed to how Green votes have already transformed people’s lives, from local councils and Westminster to the Scottish government.  

Although each are an independent party, all agreed a common experience of the devastating impact of 14 years of Conservative government, and a shared vision of the policies needed to tackle the climate and cost of living crises. 

Green Party of England and Wales co-leader Carla Denyer said:  

“We are looking to build on Caroline Lucas’ outstanding record and aim to quadruple the number of Green MPs in England in Parliament at the next election. The next generation of Green MPs will work flat out to push our bold ideas on tackling the housing crisis, bringing down sky-high energy bills and cutting climate-wrecking emissions. Our MPs will be dedicated to creating a fairer tax system, including a tax on the super-rich, and ensuring our public services work for people not profit.” 

Scottish Greens co-leader, and Minister for Green Skills, Circular Economy and Biodiversity, Lorna Slater said:  

“The Scottish Greens became the first party anywhere in the UK to enter Government, when we formed a co-operation agreement with the Scottish Government after the 2021 Scottish Parliament elections. And I am so proud of what we’ve achieved since then. But this success didn’t happen overnight. It came on the back of 20 years of Green MSPs in the Scottish Parliament, being the progressive voices of transformative change, and building a track record of our party being a constructive but radical opposition force.” 

Wales Green Party Leader Anthony Slaughter said:  

“Wales Green Party will be running its biggest ever General Election campaign – a full slate across the country, aiming to get our highest ever national vote share. This will mark the start of our campaign for Senedd 2026 where we are on track to get our first Greens elected, providing the Green representation and scrutiny that our national parliament needs.” 

 Green Party of Northern Ireland leader Malachai O’Hara said:  

“With a restored Assembly in Northern Ireland, after yet another hiatus with no Executive, the need for more Green MPs across the UK has never been greater. Northern Ireland has a shameful environmental record. We are the 12th worst place in the world for biodiversity loss and emit more per capita emissions than any other part of the UK. We face a housing crises and public services are on their knees. Green MPs from Northern Ireland will join our siblings from across the UK to fight for a cleaner, greener and fairer future for all.”


[1] The leaders of Green parties organising across the UK are: 

  • England & Wales: Co-leaders Carla Denyer and Adrian Ramsay 
  • Scotland: Co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater 
  • Wales Green Party: Anthony Slaughter 
  • Green Party Northern Ireland: Malachai O’Hara

Photo of UK Green Party leaders attached. From L to R: Lorna Slater, Partick Harvie, Malachai O’Hara, Carla Denyer, Anthony Slaughter and Adrian Ramsay

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