Green representation is increasing at all levels of Government.
After the last election in May 2024, the Green Party has the following Greens in power in England and Wales:
- Two members of the House of Lords (Natalie Bennett and Jenny Jones)
- Three London Assembly Members (Zoƫ Garbett, Zack Polanski, and Caroline Russell)
- Greens hold over 800 seats in over 170 different councils
For more information about our elected Green Councillors, contact the Association of Green Councillors
Our Leadership

Carla Denyer & Adrian Ramsay

Zack Polanski AM
Deputy Leader
Our Spokespeople
Our full list of Spokespeople is available here.
To contact our spokespeople for interview or comment please contact the Green Party press office:
Phone: 020 3691 9401 (Journalists only)
Our National Executive
The Green Party National Executive (GPEx) and the Green Party Regional Council (GPRC) are the democratically appointed groups responsible for the strategic direction of the party, as instructed by members at Conference.