
Our members help shape our policy. Not a member? Join today.

Member Websites

Members’ site

Find out more about being a local party officer, or how to help with our campaigns, at the Members’ Site

Your Membership

Manage your membership in the Membership Portal


The structure of the Green Party of England and Wales is set out in our Constitution, which is approved and regularly reviewed by Conference.

We ask all of members to abide by the Party’s Code of Conduct, which is approved and regularly reviewed by Conference. Complaints about members alleged to have breached the Code are dealt with through our complaints process – you can find out more below.

Using Social Media for Party Benefit

Social media has the potential to be a powerfully democratising force, allowing party activists to share party policies and positions without needing access to formal media. The Green Party has a wonderful, diverse community of social media users who have built our profile and credibility with great skill in recent years.

However, the style and tone of communication on social media is not always consistent with Green values and, while we’re all bound to make the odd mistake, we all need to be careful that we uphold the highest standards.

It is also important to remember that social media is public communication, so a good working rule is to never share something that you wouldn’t be comfortable seeing printed above your name in a newspaper or on a poster.

Some of the people who see your posts may not have heard much about the Green Party or rarely hear our perspective – their online interaction with you as a green party member may shape their view of the Green Party for years to come. Be mindful of this.

It is important that we do take on our critics and detractors on social media, but it is also important to know when you are being deliberately provoked, having your time wasted, or being tempted to fall below our party’s high standards. So online spats should be treated with caution.

Social media is not an ideal space to criticise party structure or other party members. Whenever you criticise our party or its officers you are giving aid to our opponents.

There are internal routes for raises issues of concern and we need to ensure that these are strengthened to allow people to have the robust but respectful disagreements that are essential to a democratic party but without washing dirty linen in public.

As a local party, you are responsible for the content of your party’s Twitter feed so please do make sure that whoever sends the tweets is communicating with the support of the whole local party.

Criticisms of the party’s staff are rare to the point of non-existence. This is good to know because such criticisms breach the party’s duty of care towards those staff and could result in could result in claims against the party being taken to an employment tribunal.

GPEx, March 2021

Members Code of Conduct

The Members Code of Conduct is an organisational document that is binding on all members of the Green Party of England and Wales (‘the Green Party’). It forms part of the national disciplinary framework that applies to all Green Party members, as set out in the Green Party of England and Wales Constitution and Standing Orders for Party Discipline.

Read more here.

Safeguarding Policy

Our Safeguarding Policy was adopted by the Green Party Executive in March 2019. It is subject to regular review, based on best practice.

Read more here.

Help Govern the Green Party

The party is always looking to make the most of its members’ skills and experience – and willingness to pitch in to help with the many tasks that need doing to keep things moving onwards and upwards.

The party is always looking to make the most of its members’ skills and experience – and willingness to pitch in to help with the many tasks that need doing to keep things moving onwards and upwards.

Welcome to this new section of the member’s website which lists vacancies in Green Party Governance bodies, and sets out wider volunteering opportunities.

No national opportunities at present – please contact your local party.

Complaints Procedure

Find out how to address a dispute or complaint here.

Member Speaking Out (Raising Concerns) Procedure

The procedure Green Party members can follow to Speak Out (raise concerns) within the party can be found here.

Staff Whistleblowing (Raising Concerns) Policy

The Green Party is committed to encouraging a climate of openness and dialogue endorsed by positive working relationships between management and employees. The Party promotes an environment where employees feel able to raise concerns which are in the public interest in a responsible way without fear of victimisation.

Read more here.

Framework for Ethics and Conduct

This Framework has been created to draw together key advice, guidance and constitutional documents for ease of reference for members following a motion to Conference in Autumn 2019.

Read more here.


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