Labour are “Fiddling while our NHS burns” warn Greens

Responding to Labour’s announcement that they plan to use NHS money to buy care home beds[1], Green Party Co-Leader, Carla Denyer, said,

“Labour is fiddling while our NHS burns.

“This rehashed plan barely touches the edges of the scale of investment needed.

“They’re correct to say that we need proper investment in social care to relieve the pressure on the NHS.

“But they are offering no honest solution to how they would tax people more to pay for the changes needed.

“Simply expecting NHS Trusts to cough up more money when budgets are already overstretched isn’t a solution.”

She continued,

“Years of underfunding have left over 400,000 people awaiting care and created 150,000 staff vacancies.

“Our Green social care investment plan of £20bn will restore dignity by guaranteeing everyone free personal care in their home, massively reducing the number of people ending up in hospital in the first place.

Only the Greens are being honest about the huge investment needed to fix fourteen years of Conservative failure.”

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