Green Party calls for public ownership of water companies following landmark Supreme Court ruling

The Green Party of England and Wales has reiterated their call to bring water companies back into public ownership, following the landmark Supreme Court judgment published on Tuesday

The Supreme Court ruled that the Court of Appeal had been wrong in concluding that the legislation that privatised the water companies prevented legal claims being brought by property owners along riverbanks and canals for nuisance. The Supreme Court ruling opens the door to many potential claims for compensation for past, ongoing, and future discharges of untreated sewage into rivers, canals and other water courses. 

Responding to the judgment, Adrian Ramsay, Co-Leader of the Green Party, said:

“It’s time for the Government to step in and take the water companies back into public ownership. This Supreme Court ruling is justice for people and the planet – but we cannot underestimate the huge legal liability the water companies face on the back of this ruling on top of their existing financial chaos.

“This landmark case will accelerate the end of privatised water companies illegally dumping sewage in our rivers without consequences. The Supreme Court has now confirmed that unauthorised discharges of sewage into waterways is not only illegal, but can be grounds for compensation to be paid out to those affected. 

“The Green Party manifesto commits to bringing all water companies back into public ownership. It’s the only credible option to end the unlawful dumping of sewage, stop rewarding shareholders for failure, and reinvest all profits back into fixing leaks and building new infrastructure. Voting Green on Thursday will put more Green MPs in Parliament to push the new Labour government to end this failed experiment of privatisation.” 

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