Greens take Waveney Valley from Conservatives

New Green MP, and party co-leader, Adrian Ramsay said: 

“The voters of Waveney Valley have made a momentous and exciting decision today to vote for positive change, and I am profoundly humbled by the faith they have placed in me and the Green Party in electing me as their MP.  

“I promise each and every one of them, whether they voted for me or not, that I will do my utmost to make sure their voices are heard by those who have neglected them, and rural East Anglia, for so long. 

“Waveney Valley voters have shown that they no longer want to tolerate the complacency of the Conservative Party, who have always treated this region as their own, and that they want an MP who will stand up for and listen to local people. 

“Today, in the beautiful Waveney Valley, we have made history.  The people of Waveney Valley have shown that the Green Party appeals just as much in rural areas as it does in the cities.  People here have embraced our message of hope and positivity, that there is action that can and must be taken to defend our environment and restore our public services – and that’s what I’ll be pressing for, on behalf of local people. 

“I pledged during my campaign that I and any other Green Party MPs elected would hold the new Government to account and push for the action needed on the issues that people are most concerned about, and I recommit to that pledge today.   

“I’ve had thousands of conversations with local residents over the last few years and I know they want an active and visible local MP, as well as someone who will be an independent-minded MP in Parliament. I am determined to fulfil that role. As a native East Anglian, I am clear that I will be Waveney Valley’s voice in Westminster, not Westminster’s voice in Waveney Valley. Standing up for our area and striving to make a difference for local people will be my top priority. 

“Residents have said they are impressed at the strength of the local Green campaign and I must thank the amazing small team of staff and large team of volunteers who have put in an incredible amount of work and a highly organised campaign to make this happen. To everyone who voted for me, and everyone who has supported my campaign in any way: thank you from the bottom of my heart.” 

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