Biden stepping down “a true sign of Leadership” say Greens

Responding to the news that President Biden is stepping down and will not run in November’s Presidential elections, Green Party Co-Leader, Carla Denyer, said,

“We wish President Biden well and thank him for his many years of public service.

“This cannot have been an easy decision for him.

“But to take a decision that is personally difficult, but that is in the public interest, is a true sign of leadership.”

She continued, “The foundations of our democracy are under threat and this Presidential election is a pivotal moment.

“All elected representatives must be able to undertake their democratic duties without facing the threats of violence. 

“Equally, showing respect for democratic results is perhaps the most fundamental cornerstone of our democratic foundations. 

“All leaders must now not just abide by our democratic principles but cherish and protect them at every turn.

“It is abundantly clear that President Trump has no interest in this grave responsibility.

“My hope is that the Democratic Party can find a suitable candidate that can take on this responsibility.

“It’s not hyperbole to say that the future of democracy relies on it.”

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