Greens will tell the truth about migration and racism  

Green Party Deputy Leader Zack Polanski told the party’s Autumn conference in Manchester that “communicating the truth is always central to what we do.” 

Polanski told 1,000 members gathered in Manchester that telling the truth about “the future of our NHS, a fairer taxation system or indeed the climate crisis” is essential to encourage people to step up. 

People had stepped up to oppose far-right racist riots, he said. 

“As the tune goes: there ain’t no power like the power of the people and the power of the people won’t stop And right now we see the power of the people and the power of communities stepping up..  

“From where I grew up right here in Manchester, to Birmingham, to Cardiff and Newcastle to my home now in Walthamstow, people turned out in their multitudes to say no. We reject this divisive hate. 

“People showed up on the streets with their neighbours to tell the truth. And what is the truth? If you use the NHS, the person working to care for you is much more likely to be a migrant than anyone in front of you in the queue.  

“We have all benefited from food, music, art and culture from all around the world. But it shouldn’t require migrants or people of colour to sort of contribute a trick or deliver something for us to see our collective humanity.  

“The threat to our society is not arriving by dinghy or a small boat – they’re flying in a private jet. Flying high above our food banks, flying high over our picket lines. And down below the threat comes from our water companies pumping sewage into our rivers whilst shareholders and CEOs become super rich. 

“The Green Party will tell the truth about migration and about racism in our society. The Green Party will stand up against the far right and fascism.” 

Read the full speech.  

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