Green Party reaction to vote on winter fuel payments at Labour conference

Reacting to a motion on winter fuel payments put forward by the Unite union and supported by a majority of delegates at Labour Party conference, co-leader of the Green Party, Carla Denyer, said:

“Today’s vote at Labour Party conference leaves Labour ministers out in the cold. There is a groundswell of support – from opposition parties, unions, many Labour MPs, health workers, disability groups, charities supporting pensioners, as well as others – for ensuring millions of pensioners keep warm this winter.

“Targeting some of the most vulnerable to fix the supposed black hole in the public finances is cruel and unnecessary.  

“There is another way. A fairer way. As the successful motion by Unite makes clear, taxing multi-millionaires and billionaires a little more would not only easily cover the cost of winter fuel payments for all pensioners but also generate additional funds for much needed investment in our health and social care services.”

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