Green MPs write to David Lammy to clarify Government position on risk of genocide in Gaza

The four Green MPs yesterday wrote to the Foreign Secretary to clarify the Government’s position on the risk of genocide in Gaza.

Ellie Chowns said:

“The UK has an obligation to prevent genocide under international law. We know the Government has not described the Israeli government’s assault on Palestinians in Gaza as a genocide – the Prime Minister keeps telling us. But has it actually assessed the risk? And what will it take for the Government to recognise that obligation and act on it to prevent genocide? The Green MPs have written to David Lammy to get answers.

“The humanitarian and human rights situation in Gaza is dire. Israel’s government has cut off aid in Northern Gaza, and is now forcibly displacing the population from the North. The huge numbers of civilian deaths and the prospect of widespread starvation are intolerable.

“The Government must recognise that its approach has failed. It must take seriously the risk of genocide. And it must consider far more direct measures to incentivise a ceasefire including an end to arms sales, the introduction of divestments, boycotts and sanctions, prosecutions for all those who have committed war crimes and a plan for a viable Palestinian state.”


Full text of the letter:

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