The Green Party elects its Executive Committee each year ahead of our Autumn Conference. The Green Party Executive (GPEx) meets around ten times a year and is responsible for the day to day running of the party.
Voting Members
Chair | Jon Nott |
Leadership | Carla Denyer Adrian Ramsay |
Deputy Leader | Zack Polanski |
Wales Leader | Anthony Slaughter |
Campaigns Co-ordinator | Tom Scott |
Elections Co-ordinator | Brian Candeland |
Equalities and Diversity Co-ordinator | – |
External Communications Co-ordinator | Molly Scott Cato |
Finance Co-ordinator | Julian Cusack |
Internal Communicatons Co-ordinator | Helen Geake |
International Co-ordinators | Frank Sheridan |
Local Party Support Co-ordinator | Rosie Rawle |
Management Co-ordinator | Kate Souper |
Policy Development Co-ordinator | Anne Gayfer |
Publications Co-ordinator (Green World) | Edward Milford |
Trade Union Liasion | Matthew Hull |
Young Greens Co-Chairs | Callum Clafferty Luanne Thornton |
Non-Voting Members
GPRC Co-Chairs | Melanie Earp Joe Hudson-Small |
Interim CEOs (job share) | Gemma Walker Chris Williams |
Unite Trade Union Reps for Staff | Norm Cassidy Clare Hales Charlotte Lafferty Guy Poultney |
Interim GPEx Secretary | Khushboo Shah |