
You can find the most recent News and Press Releases here.

If you are a journalist looking to interview a Green Party spokesperson, please consult the below list.

To contact one of our spokespeople, please contact the Green Party Press Office (unless specified differently below) on 020 3691 9401 or press@greenparty.org.uk

Leaders and Parliamentarians

Co-Leaders: Carla Denyer & Adrian Ramsay

X: @carla_denyer and @AdrianRamsay

Deputy Leader: Zack Polanski

X: @ZackPolanski

Wales Leader: Antony Slaughter

X: @as_penarth

House of Lords: Natalie Bennett

Email: bennettn@parliament.uk
X: @NatalieBen

House of Lords: Jenny Jones

Email: wilsonc@parliament.uk
X: @GreenJennyJones

Policy Spokespeople

Jack Lenox

Culture, Sport & Digital Inclusion

Nate Higgins

Democracy & Citizen Engagement

Mags Lewis


Ria Patel

Equalities and Diversity

Molly Scott Cato

Finance and Economy

Emily O’Brien

Food, Agriculture & Rural Welfare

Zoe Nicholson

Green New Deal

Ellie Chowns

Housing & Communities

Vix Lowthion

Lifelong Education

Benali Hamdache

Migration & Refugee Support

Jonathan Elmer

Natural World

Shahin Ashraf

Peace & Global Justice

Amanda Onwuemene

Policing & Domestic Safety

Matt Edwards

Transport & Healthy Streets

Professor Catherine Rowett

Work, Employment & Social Security

Green Party Groups

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