The policies of Green Party of England and Wales are made democratically by our members, through our annual conferences.
Conference is the supreme forum of the Green Party, and where we make all the big decisions. The constitution requires that we hold two conferences each year: Autumn and (usually) Spring. All paid-up members of the Green Party are eligible to attend and vote. It’s a brilliant chance to connect with fellow Greens and discuss the issues that are important to you. The process of submitting motions to conference is governed by Standing Orders Committee, and the Standing Orders for the Conduct of Conference.
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) is where internally elected officers report on their activities to the membership. The process of submitting reports to the AGM is governed by Standing Orders Committee and the Standing Orders for the Conduct of the Annual General Meeting.
Conference Approved Policies
The Green Party’s Policies for a Sustainable Society (PSS) represents the policy foundation which the Party stands upon. Every policy in the PPS has been approved by Green Party members at Conference.
All Green Party Manifestos and the Political Programme are drawn from the PSS. The PSS can be amended by members at each Party Conference.
The PSS is complemented by three elements, our Core Values, the Philosophical Basis that sets out the underlying thinking and motives behind our policies and the Record of Policy Statements – short term positions and responses to particular current circumstances. These statements do not override the vision contained in the full set of Policies for a Sustainable Society.
The Programme draws on Green Party Policy, approved by Conference. Visit our full library of Conference approved policies.
Help make Policy
The Policy Development Committee works to help members submit policy proposals. Please email
Any member can join a Policy Working Group. A full list of policy working groups will be listed below shortly.
Policy Working Groups
Policy Working Groups are open to all members of the Green Party to discuss and develop policy on various topics.
All party members with an interest in these areas of policy are encouraged to make contact with these groups, which are a good way to develop and strengthen party policy in these areas.
Policy Working Groups, and others intending to propose new policy, are encouraged to contact the Policy Development Committee to follow the accreditation process.
Policy Fest
What is Policy Fest?
Policy Fests are events organised by the Policy Development Committee with the aim of advancing party policy development and helping members understand how the process works. They are a great opportunity to introduce yourself to our policies and policy making in a friendly and supportive environment. The online events are free to attend.
Who can attend Policy Fest?
Anyone with an interest in any of the three following (i) specific policy area or motions being brought for consideration at conference, (ii) how policy is developed whether that is the structure of policy or connecting differing areas of policy towards a cohesive approach to how policy is developed, and (iii) how we implement policy in particular through the work and connections of our elected representatives.
When are where are they held?
There are currently two Policy Fests per year, one in the Winter and one in the Summer and they are usually held online.
This year’s Summer Policy Fest will be a hybrid event (in person and online), taking place in Birmingham over the weekend of 17-18 May. Find out more.
Contact Policy Development Committee if you have any questions,
Next Policy Fest: Summer Policy Fest 2025
We are pleased to announce that this year’s Summer Policy Fest will be held as a hybrid event (in person and online) on Sat 17th and Sun 18th May in Birmingham.
Policy Fest is open to both active members of the Green Party Policy Community as well as members who are not yet involved but would like to learn more about our policies and policy-making processes.
Signing Tree, Deaf Cultural Centre, Ladywood Road, Birmingham B16 8SZ. Directions to the venue.
Saturday will be dedicated to sessions looking at Green Party Policies versus our Political Strategy. Sunday will cover practical sessions on, eg, Policy and Councillors, training on using Teams, navigating the policy process, running consultation on policies.
See a very outline draft timetable here.
Registration and costs:
In person: 1 day ticket £15, 2 day ticket £20 (includes coffee/tea breaks)
Online: 1 day ticket £5, 2 day ticket £7.50
Registration will open by mid March. If you wish to attend in person, we recommend booking early, as in-person attendance numbers will be capped at 150 due to venue capacity.
There are several hotels within walking distance of the venue. See map.
Previous Policy Fests
Winter Policy Fest 2025
Winter Policy Fest was held from 12th-18th January 2025 as an online event.
The timetable was a mixture of informative meetings, discussions on policy areas, workshops, draft voting papers to consider and some external speakers who brought their expertise to our work.
Attendance was free and open to all members.
Summer Policy Fest 2024
Summer Policy Fest 2024 was held online from 10th-13th June 2024.
As well as Policy Working Group (PWG) meetings there were important Draft Voting Paper sessions around major policy rewrites coming to the next Conference.
Spring Policy Fest 2024
Spring Policy Fest 2024 was held from 3rd – 9th March 2024.
As well as Policy Working Group (PWG) meetings there were important Draft Voting Paper sessions, panel discussions and training events on the lead up to then upcoming General Election.
Summer Policy Fest 2023
Summer Policy Fest was held online from 26th-28th June 2023. The event was open to all members, and free to attend.
The timetable included opportunities for members to get involved in the work of Policy Working Groups and attend meetings focused on policy proposals. Attendees were also able participate in a number of lively discussions, listen to panels of experts and hear from visiting speakers to inform the Green Party’s development of policies to meet the challenges of the 21st century.