Contact Us

The easiest way to contact Green Party HQ is by emailing us at or calling 020 3691 9400

The above number is open during the following hours:

Mon: 10am – 4pm
Tues: 10am – 4pm
Wed: 10am – 4pm
Thurs:10am – 4pm
Fri: Closed

Closed on bank holidays and during the winter festive period between Christmas and New year.

Please note, the Scottish Greens and Northern Ireland Greens are separate Parties. We can’t help with queries related to them.

Contact your local Green Party

Find your local Green Party here.

Press enquiries

Email or call 020 3691 9401
Please note, this is for press calls only, other enquiries can not be dealt with on the above number/email address

Events and engagements

To get in touch regarding events and engagements for the party leaders by email at

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