
Green Party Autumn Conference 2024, 6-8 September, Manchester Central


How we make policy at Conference

In the Green Party, policy creation and amendment is a member-led process as are decisions about how we organise ourselves. This is done by putting forward motions to Conference for debate and to be voted on. The ‘Agenda Forum’ is where members can propose and discuss ideas for motions for the Conference Agenda. You will find the Agenda Forum in the Green Spaces area of the members’ website.

There is additional help and some other requirements on how to write motions in the Standing Orders for the Conduct of Conference. Please speak to a member of Policy Development Committee if you are unsure about what to do ( 

Agenda deadlines – NB extended on 1 June due to General Election

8 July (was 14 June) – Pre-Agenda deadline (the latest date to float your idea for a motion on the agenda forum for discussion)
19 July (was 28 June) – First Agenda deadline (date by which final text of motions must be confirmed) and opening of Amendment Forum and Late Motions Forum. 
tbc – Co-Proposal deadline (date by which all proposers and co-proposers of motions must be confirmed)
26 July (was 12 July) – Publication of First Agenda 
26 July (was 19 July) – Prioritisation Ballot opens (closes 9 August)
9 August (was 26 July) – Amendment draft deadline 
9 August (was 2 August) – Final Agenda deadline 
23 August (was 16 August) – Publication of Final Agenda / Late Motion deadline

Register to receive Agenda updates and deadline alerts by email

Policy Accreditation

There is a process by which members can request accreditation for their motions by Policy Development Committee (PDC).
There are some guidance notes and an application form in Spaces.

The deadline for accreditation requests for Autumn Conference 2024 is now 21 July (was 14 July).
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