The Green Party has a range of self-organising Special Interest Groups, undertaking specialist work on behalf of members. All groups are open to all members.
If you are interested in registering a new group, please email
NB Most groups now hold their AGMs and committee elections outside of the Autumn Conference so they can be more inclusive of all members. If you are interested in finding out more, please contact the group Convenor directly.
If you are aware of any information on this page being out of date, or are a Chair of one of the groups below and would like different information, please email
Our Groups
Greens for Animal Protection
Contact: Eve Allsop & John Davis
Greens of Colour
Contact: Amanda Onwuemene
- Website
- Discussion Space
- 07807 327 239 (on Signal App, Telegram App, WhatsApp as well as SMS text & phone)
Green Party Disability Group
Contact: Dzaier Neil or the Membership Secretary
Feminist Greens
Contact: Mina/Seb Cousins and Rachel Collinson