Reaction to Labour ditching national care service

Reacting to news that Labour will not seek to legislate on the creation of a new national care service in its first King’s Speech [1], Green Party co-leader Carla Denyer said: 

“Labour are dropping policy commitments like confetti. Next in line it’s social care, with the Party planning to ditch a previous pledge to create a new national care service [2]. The Green Party remains committed to putting social care on a level footing with the NHS and ensuring social care is fully publicly funded [3].  

“The NHS is based on the principle that need, not wealth, should determine the health care we get. The Green Party backs the same principle for Social Care. Over a million people need help to eat and wash, get residential care when they need it and to lead a full life under their own control. They deserve to have their care paid for in the same way as the NHS.” 


  1. Labour ditches radical reforms as it prepares ‘bombproof’ election manifesto | The Guardian
  2. Labour to aim to launch national care service inspired by creation of NHS | The Guardian
  3. Green Party pledges free social care for all adults | The Green Party
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