General Election 2015: Greens polling at highest numbers since 1989

7 August 2014

*Greens steadily building on May 22 electoral successes

*Best ever performance in the Independent’s ‘poll of polls’

*Young Green membership surges in 2014

Ahead of the 2015 General Election, the Green Party is polling on 6.6% and neck and neck with the Liberal Democrats, the Coalition partners. 

The Greens posted their best ever showing in the latest ‘poll of polls’ compiled by John Curtice, professor of politics at Strathclyde University, for the Independent (1).

Natalie Bennett, Green Party Leader, said:

“The fact that the Green Party are consistently polling at some of our best numbers since 1989 goes to show that our message of the need to reshape our politics and economy to work for the common good is really hitting home.

“It is our policies such as a wealth tax on the top 1%, making the minimum wage a Living Wage, renationalising our railways and having a publicly owned and run NHS that are both encouraging people to join as members and vote Green in growing numbers.

“Despite comparatively limited media attention, more and more people are recognising that only the Greens offer the real change that British politics and British society so desperately needs. They are rightly fed up with the three old, tired, business-as-usual parties.

“The Tories, Labour, Lib Dems and Ukip receive much larger donations - which allows them to comfortably out-spend us on political advertising – but Greens up and down the country are working tirelessly to share Green values and policies with the people they do and will represent. It is these efforts that have us polling neck and neck with the Lib Dems, the Coalition partners.

“Our support amongst young people is surging; membership of the Young Greens has grown by 70% since March this year alone, with overall membership up 28% this year, and poll after poll puts Green party support among young people at over 15%, more than the Liberal Democrats and Ukip combined.”


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