Vote Hope. Vote Change. Vote Green.

Real hope.
Real change.

The Green Party has been going from strength to strength. When we tell the truth, aim high and offer hope, voters respond.

We’ve increased our number of local authority councillors fivefold in the past five years and are now represented on 170 councils and part of the administration on 42.

Elected Green councillors use the power given to them by your votes to build fairer, greener communities. And that’s what elected Green MPs will do too.

In this election we are aiming high. We urgently need more Green MPs to put the climate emergency high on the national agenda, to resist and roll back the privatisation of public services, and to fight for the investment that’s desperately needed to mend so much that is broken and begin to create a fairer, greener country.

Now, it’s over to you.

You can choose a fairer future for us all.

Vote for real hope and real change.

Vote Green.

Donate now to help put
our plans into action

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