The Green Party of England and Wales consists of over 200 Local Green Parties. Your local Green Party is where you can campaign for the issues that matter to you, and make a difference for the community you live in.
If you’d like more info about getting in contact with your local party you can find them here.
Local Parties are supported in their work by 10 Regional Parties and by the following bodies:
The Green Party Executive (GPEx)
Responsible for the day-to-day running and direction of the party.
You can find out more here.
GPEx also oversees the work of the Green Party staff team. Staff work around the country, and at the Green Party office in London.
You can contact the Green Party office at
The Green Party Regional Council
Responsible for the welfare of the Party, and for encouraging dialogue between the regions.
You can find out more here.
Other Green Party Groups
A range of other groups exist to serve the Green Party by undertaking specialist work on behalf of members.
A full list of these groups can be found here.
Green Party Committees
The Green Party has several committees which are elected at Conference and have responsibility for their specific portfolio. You can read more about each one below.
Campaigns Committee
Campaigns Committee exists to support the non-electoral campaigns of local and regional Green Parties.
Conferences Committee
The Conferences Committee is responsible for Party Conferences and for assisting in the organisation of other conferences to be held by the Party. To be eligible, members should have attended at least two Party Conferences, including one in the current year. These may include the Conference at which they are nominated.
Disciplinary Committee
The Disciplinary Committee is a body of the Green Party of England and Wales which handles all complaints of disciplinary nature that cannot be resolved at Local or Regional Party level.
The Disputes Resolution Committee aims to resolve disputes arising in any matter relating to the membership and activities of The Green Party, Regional Parties and Local Parties. Members of the Committee cannot be a member of any other body of The Green Party elected by the whole membership or by Conference, nor employees or Officers of The Green Party.
You can find out more about the Disputes Resolution Committee here.
The Equalities & Diversity Committee is convened by the Equalities & Diversity Coordinator and consists of five members elected at Conference, plus a representative of each group that is recognised as a Members Working Group.
The E&D Committee supports the work of the Co-ordinator and seeks to improve Equalities & Diversity within the Green Party.
Green World Editorial Board
Green World is the news, features and comment section of The Green Party’s website. It is updated regularly with the aim of promoting and sharing Green news and views with party members and the wider Green community. The content of the website is supervised by Green World Editorial Board (GWEB).
International Committee works with Green Parties around the world to promote Green Party values of ecology, social justice, non‐violence and grassroots democracy. The work of the Committee keeps the Green Party of England and Wales closely linked in with the global Green community.
PDC is elected via membership ballot rather than at Conference.
Policy Development Committee works to support policy development in the Green Party. They work with Policy Working Groups and support with policy queries at Conference. The committee also organise Policy Fest.
Standing Orders Committee
Standing Orders Committee oversees rules set down by successive Conferences that govern all Green Party activity.
Terms & ACronyms
The Green Party like any organisation tends to develop its own jargon and language. Here we will try to give an overview and summary of the most common terms and acronyms used with the Green Party of England & Wales (GPEW).
Alternative Disputes Resolution Committee (ADRC)
The Alternative Disputes Resolution Committee, whose members are elected at the Autumn Conference, aims to minimise the loss of activity and membership, and the personal hurt, caused by disagreements internal to the Green Party. This is achieved by confidential discussions with both sides to look for a solution that is acceptable to all concerned.
Association of Green Councillors (AGC)
The Association of Green Councillors is a support network of elected and aspiring councillors that facilitates the exchange of experiences and best practices.
The Green Party has two conferences a year, in the Spring and the AGM in the Autumn. Conference is the supreme decision-making body within the Green Party.
Disciplinary Committee (DC)
Responsible for investigating breaches of the Code of Conduct.
Electoral Returning Officer (ERO)
The electoral returning officer is responsible for coordinating and ensuring the proper running of elections for seats on the Green Party Executive and for membership of National Green Party committees elected at Autumn Conference.
First Agenda
This contain the motions proposed for debate at a Green Party Conference.
Green Islands Network (GIN)
The Green Islands Network is a network of Green Parties in the UK and Ireland – England, Wales, Scotland, Republic of Ireland, and Jersey.
Greens of Colour (GoC)
Green Party National Executive (GPEx)
The Green Party National Executive, is responsible for the overall and day-to-day direction of the Party, the management of employees and representing the National Green Party to other organisations.
Green Party Regional Council (GPRC)
The Green Party Regional Council is responsible for keeping under review the general wellbeing of the party and for supporting and advising the Green Party Executive, particularly on matters of political strategy. It also has responsibility for making policy statements
Green Activist
The Green Party’s internal e-newsletter; it is e-mailed to all Party members
A special fund set-up to provide zero-interest loans for Local Green Party and National Green Party projects. More from the Finance Co-ordinator.
Green World
The Party’s magazine, which was published four times a year. Soon to be a section on this website.
Policies for a Sustainable Society (PfSS)
The Party’s Policies for a Sustainable Society is the complete compilation of all the policies agreed by Conference. It is updated after each conference. It can be found online:
Person Power
A special fund set up to pay the salaries of national party employees.
Record of Organisational Statements (RoOS)
The Record of Organisational Statements is the complete compilation of actions decided by Conference.
Record of Policy Statements (ROPs)
The Record of Policy Statements is the complete compilation of statements decided by Conference.
Second Agenda
Second Agenda contains the motions and amendments proposed for debate at a conference, together with any reports from National Green Party committees and officers.
Standing Orders Committee (SOC)
The Standing Orders Committee consists of at least five volunteer members elected by the Autumn Conference. It is the final authority for interpreting the Constitution and Standing Orders, and is responsible for ensuring that all motions put before Conference are valid.
Standing Orders for Party Discipline (SOPD)
Govern the Complaints and Disciplinary processes. Owned by the Disciplinary Committee, with any changes approved by Conference.
Terms of Reference (ToR)