Fairer, Greener Food and Farming

Real hope.
Real change.

Our food system is failing us all. Poor diets are estimated to cost our NHS £6.5bn a year yet successive governments have failed to take on the unhealthy food lobby. Meanwhile, the way we produce our food is damaging our natural world and our climate. Our food system accounts for a third of all greenhouse gas emissions and is the greatest driver of nature loss and pollution in our rivers.

Green MPs will work with farmers and other stakeholders to transform our food and farming system, so we are producing healthy, nutritious food at fair prices for consumers and with fair wages for growers. We will also aim to increase the amount of food grown and traded in the UK, and as locally as possible.

Elected Greens will push for:

  • Financial support for farmers to be almost tripled to support their transition to nature-friendly farming.
  • Biodiversity and soil health to be conserved and improved, leading to cleaner rivers.
  • Farm payments to be linked to reduced use of pesticides and other agro-chemicals.
  • All children to have a free school meal each day and free breakfast clubs for children to Year 6.
  • Schools to involve children in growing, preparing and cooking food, as part of the core curriculum.
  • Policies that ensure that good quality surplus food is not wasted.

Donate now to help put
our plans into action

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