What to do if you feel that something in the Green Party has gone wrong
In the first instance it is better for a complaint to be dealt with informally by discussing the issue which you have with the individual concerned and to see whether it may be resolved amicably.
You may want to consider bringing in a third party to act as an intermediary to discuss the issues you have and have them discuss issues they consider appropriate with the individual against whom you may want to raise a complaint.
If this is not possible, you should consider speaking to the disputes resolution committee (GPEW mediation) to try and resolve your grievance or complaint informally. You can self-refer to them without filling in a complaint form. This may be a quicker way to resolve the issue. For more information please click here.
If you think that you can’t resolve your grievance or complaint in this way, then you may want to engage in the formal Green Party complaint process. The complaints process is set out in the Standing Orders for Party Discipline.
A step-by-step guide to the complaints process can be found here.
Complaints are judged against the Green Party Code of Conduct, which all members are required to adhere to. The Green Party Code of Conduct and the Anti-Bullying and Harassment Policy forms part of it.
The complaints process may also consider whether a respondent in a complaint has breached the Green Party Constitution (below), or whether the respondent has brought the Party into disrepute.
A blank complaints form can be found here, which you can email when completed to The Green Party Governance Officer at complaints.manager@greenparty.org.uk
It is important to bear in mind that the Complaints process is not a legal or quasi-legal system and therefore cannot process any criminal matters before police involvement. If you have any safeguarding concerns you should contact safeguarding@greenparty.org.uk .
To view the minutes of the Complaint Referral Group please click here.
We also publish Guidance on Anonymity and Guidance and Procedure on unreasonable, persistent, abusive, malicious and vexatious complaints.
(last updated 25/05/2023)